Process Capability Analysis – Cpk and Ppk

We know how important it is to meet customer specifications. That’s why we’ve put so much effort into developing the Process Capability features of our SPC for Excel software. We’ve included process capability features that any quality professional in today’s market will need in a software package that won’t break the bank. Our process capability techniques include:

See What Process Capability in SPC for Excel Can Do For You!

SnapShot of What Your Process is Capable Of!

My colleague was frustrated by MiniTab. MiniTab can be a little 'heavy.' He was trying to do some capability analysis on mechanical properties. He is a smart guy with a PhD in metallurgy. I showed him SPC for Excel and he liked the simplicity and ease of use. He sat in my office with his laptop, paid for and downloaded the software. He left my office a happy man.
David Hawkins
Quality Coordinator

Simple, but Powerful, Process Capability Techniques in SPC for Excel

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