MSA/Gage R&R Options in SPC for Excel

There are numerous features and options in the Measurement Systems Analysis/Gage R&R techniques in SPC for Excel to help you determine how “good” your measurement system is. The ten techniques included in the software are:

See how easy it is to use the software from an example of ANOVA Gage R&R in the video below.

See how to setup the data entry and how to run the analysis to generate a detailed or summary report that includes the ANOVA tables, the operator-part charts, the components of variance chart as well as charts for operator bias and repeatability. To see the detailed reports with an explanation of each section in the report, select the link(s) below.

EMP Studies

There are three EMP studies included in the software:

There are options to allow you to gain many more insights into the measurement system from the EMP studies. These include adding a historical standard deviation and specifications. The output can contain the following items:

ANOVA Method for Crossed Gage R&R Designs

Designed for multiple operators measuring multiple parts multiple times with the primary purpose of determine the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement system; output includes:

Average/Range Method for Crossed Gage R&R Designs

Designed for multiple operators measuring multiple parts multiple times with the primary purpose of determine the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement system; output includes:

ANOVA Method for Nested Gage R&R Designs

Designed for multiple operators measuring multiple parts multiple times with the primary purpose of determine the repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement system; output includes:

Type 1 Study Method

Designed for a calibrated reference part that is measured many times within a short period of time to determine the bias and repeatability of a measurement system; output includes:

Attribute Gage R&R Method

Designed for multiple operators measuring multiple parts multiple times with the primary purpose of determine how good a measurement system is for yes/no attribute data; output includes:

Equivalency of Instruments

Designed to compare the bias and repeatability of multiple instruments; output includes:

Linearity and Bias Study

Designed to determine if a measurement system is linearly across a range of values and if bias exists in the measurement system; output includes:


It is one chart that allows you see the average difference between the two measurement systems and the amount of variation in the differences.  The output is the Bland-Altman chart which contains the:

Deming Regression

Designed to compare two measurement systems taking into account the measurement error of each tests.  The output includes:

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