Modified Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances Help

The Modified Levene’s Test is used to determine if the variances from multiple treatments (or processes) are the same.

There are two options for entering the data: stacked or unstacked. Stacked data have each treatment in a single column. Unstacked data have the treatment labels in one column and the results in the adjacent column. Please refer to the Stacked and Unstacked Data Entry section for more information. The example below uses unstacked data.

Five different treatments (A to E) were used to control the weight of a coating in grams. There were four samples for each treatment. We want to use Bartlett’s test method to determine if there are any significant differences in the treatment variances.

Modified Levene’s Method Test for Equality of Variances Output

The output from Levene’s Test is shown below.

A new worksheet is added to the workbook. The top part of the worksheet contains the data in stacked format along with some statistics for each treatment including count, average, standard deviation, and variance. The value of alpha is also given. The bottom part of the worksheet contains the information from Levene’s Method. The treatments are listed along with the variance and standard deviation. The following three statistics are given:

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