SPC for Excel is used in over 80 countries throughout the world. Including:
Afghanistan | Lithuania |
Argentina | Malaysia |
Australia | Malta |
Austria | Mexico |
Belgium | Namibia |
Bolivia | Netherlands |
Brazil | Netherlands Antilles |
Bulgaria | New Zealand |
Canada | Nicaragua |
Chile | Nigeria |
China | Norway |
Taiwan | Pakistan |
Colombia | Panama |
Costa Rica | Peru |
Croatia | Philippines |
Czechia | Poland |
Benin | Portugal |
Denmark | Guinea-Bissau |
Dominican Republic | Puerto Rico |
Estonia | Qatar |
Finland | Romania |
France | Russian Federation |
French Guiana | Saudi Arabia |
Germany | Serbia |
Ghana | Singapore |
Greece | Slovakia |
Honduras | Viet Nam |
Hong Kong | Slovenia |
Hungary | South Africa |
Iceland | Spain |
India | Sweden |
Indonesia | Switzerland |
Ireland | Thailand |
Israel | Trinidad and Tobago |
Italy | United Arab Emirates |
Japan | Turkey |
Jordan | Uganda |
Korea (the Republic of) | Egypt |
Lebanon | United Kingdom |
Latvia | United States of America |